That Old Devil Sin: A Clementine Toledano Mystery di W. E. DeVore edito da Anxious Laughter Publishing
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That Old Devil Sin: A Clementine Toledano Mystery





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"With rocker chick Clementine Toledano, DeVore offers a flawed, fabulous and deeply human protagonist with the kind of baggage many women will recognise, so deeply connected to the bayou that the reader can smell the blue gum trees."--Deborah Grabien, author of The J.P. Kinkaid ChroniclesClementine "Q" Toledano is the seasoned front-woman of New Orleans jazz band QT and the Beasts. Usually able to resist any man who thinks his Louisiana charm is enough of a reason for her fall into bed with him, Q is battling her own inexplicable attraction to Ben Bordelon, owner of a successful Uptown hotspot. When The Beasts' bass player is accused of murder, Q delves into the seedy underbelly of the Crescent City to prove his innocence. As she watches gigs vanish one by one - after all, no one wants a band with a murdering bassist playing at their daughter's bat mitzvah - Q uncovers a secret that forces her to finally deal with her past, while current events may very well jeopardize her future.

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