Thank You Allah di Naisham edito da Partridge Singapore
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Thank You Allah





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Descrizione Thank You Allah

Islam is a beautiful and peaceful religion. The author, being fortunate to have been born as a Muslim and reside in a beautiful and peaceful country such as Malaysia, where Islam is practiced freely and peacefully, felt dutiful to share with the readers what Islam means in a simple day-to-day perspective. Islam as a way of life teaches how to be thankful to Allah for all his blessings. It teaches us to feel humble and fear of Allah. Embrace true Islam, and one will feel calm and free from hatred and ill feelings. Embrace Islam, and feel the strength to stand tall to practice kindness and sincerity. Thank You Allah is written in simple text and format for light reading. It was written for both the Muslims and the non-Muslims. It is meant as an eye opener for us to see with our hearts. That we may feel the love of Allah and see Allah's greatness through the life surround us. May the love of Allah fill our hearts and wash away the turmoil, leaving our hearts feeling calm and serene.

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