Textbook Evaluation: Teaching Grammar di Valerie stejdírová edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Textbook Evaluation: Teaching Grammar

Teaching Grammar





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Nowadays, there are hundreds of textbooks available on the market and they have different approaches to grammar teaching. It is very important to pay attention to the level of their quality and to other important aspects. There are still textbooks which are more based on a pre-communicative form of practising grammar and prefer drills to other types of grammar activities. To choose among the hundreds of textbooks is not an easy task. This valuable book provides a practical guideline through grammar practice activities. It includes a very helpful checklist of criteria which might be useful when a teacher is interested in choosing a relevant textbook. The book concentrates on evaluation of a textbook in terms of grammar. The practical part focuses on evaluation and comparison of two textbooks on the basis of criteria which are given in the theoretical part. Textbook Evaluation: Teaching Grammar is a handy tool for language teachers and teacher trainers who are interested in providing their students with a textbook which would provide a pleasant way of acquiring grammatical and communicative competence.

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