Testing And Measurement edito da Cognella, Inc
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Testing And Measurement

A Practical Guide For Classroom Teachers And Aspiring Educational Leaders





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Descrizione Testing And Measurement

Testing and Measurement: A Practical Guide for Classroom Teachers and Aspiring Educational Leaders provides readers with a collection of both original writings and extant articles that speak to issues related to assessment, testing, measurement, and the accountability movement. The text encourages thoughtful consideration of the purpose of assessment, its link to student learning, and its impact on decision making within education. Each chapter provides an overview of general principles related to the key topic, supporting literature in the discipline, and an explanation of how the topic applies in a professional context. Readers learn about assessment and accountability in education, classical test theory, various types of assessments, and test formats. Additional chapters cover guidelines for developing assessments, determining the quality of assessments, item analysis, assigning grades, test scores, data interpretation, and more. The final chapters speak to building assessment strategies that meet all learners' needs and the implications of policies and policymaking on student assessment. Underscoring the importance of assessment, Testing and Measurement is a valuable resource for courses and programs in education. It can also be used by practicing educators to improve their personal knowledge and practices surrounding assessment.

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