Tertiary Creep Behavior of Landslides Induced by Extreme Rainfall di Atitkagna Dok edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Tertiary Creep Behavior of Landslides Induced by Extreme Rainfall

Mechanism and Application





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Descrizione Tertiary Creep Behavior of Landslides Induced by Extreme Rainfall

Early warning system is a low cost and most effective precursor for safeguarding human lives and reducing property damages resulted from the catastrophic landslides if properly implemented in populated landslide-prone areas. A core essence in establishing landslide early warning is to develop a reliable prediction method of landslide occurrence time. This study simply aims at understanding the mechanism of landslides induced by extreme rainfall and the rainfall characteristics enabling landslides to help issue warning of rainfall-induced landslides in tropical soils of Southeast Asia countries where very limited number of ground based rain gauges are available. And, there is no implemented methodology for issuing effective warming of landslide in those regions yet.

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