Terrorist Elimination Unit di Rob Peters edito da iUniverse
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Terrorist Elimination Unit







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Descrizione Terrorist Elimination Unit

For the past seven months, a continuous stream of deadly atrocities has blanketed the entire country. Now panic and fear is flowing through the veins of every American-and with good reason. A group of extreme terrorists known as the Sons of Allah have just murdered the president, vice president, and several top government officials. As everyone wonders if a terrorist cell has infiltrated the walls of the White House, the Sons of Allah tightens its noose around America. While the terrorist group begins contaminating the American flu vaccine with a deadly toxin, the CIA director's wife and children are kidnapped and whisked away to an unknown location. America's only hope lies with a CIA black-operative team headed by Derek Chase, a former Army Ranger with a cunning mind and off-the-charts marksmanship. As the Terrorist Elimination Unit springs into action once again, its three members must infiltrate the group and somehow find a way to stop them before it is too late for a country held hostage by a dark mission. In this political thriller, a black-operative team must outsmart a terrorist group determined to continue unleashing an evil plot against Americans.

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