Ten Bodies, Two Bikes and a Boil - Lands End to John O'Groats Cycle Ride di Chris Gooderham edito da Lulu.com
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Ten Bodies, Two Bikes and a Boil - Lands End to John O'Groats Cycle Ride







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Descrizione Ten Bodies, Two Bikes and a Boil - Lands End to John O'Groats Cycle Ride

A dark comedy based on the true story of one man's quest for immortality. Matthew Moore has received the worst news of his life - he only has one year to live, and he wants to do something he can finally be proud of. Ten Bodies, Two Bikes and a Boil follows the diary of one man as he cycles the length of the country, from Lands End to John O'Groats, dragging his father-in-law; his Bike Buddy, with him. A man who is grumpy, overweight, unfit, with knackered knees and high blood pressure. A man more likely to die than succeed. Over three weeks, Moore tells of his battle through the country. A light-hearted and jovial tale to begin with, Moore appears to forget about his fatal diagnosis, but quickly becomes envious of other people. What starts as a simple cycle ride soon becomes a personal crusade, one final attempt to live forever. This book is a must read for anyone contemplating the challenge and includes daily maps, road and traffic conditions as well as the contour of the route.

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