A Telling Experience di Richard M. Trask edito da iUniverse
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A Telling Experience







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Descrizione A Telling Experience

The book title "A Telling Experience" has a double meaning: 1) something curious that you were part of, and 2) the sharing of your particular story. An experience becomes even more meaningful by being told. The thing may be familiar, or it may be as strange as The Twilight Zone but true. The idea of this book is that everybody's life is somehow a Tall Tale. This book is my Tall Tale: my ordinary, strange, telling experience. A bewildered youth, a bumbling smitten young adult, a middle-age striver, finally a would-be philosopher. It's a wild ride. You'll laugh your head off and cry your eyes out, I promise! It's a bizarre collection, every chapter a story of its own, and every story a very Tall Tale! Each story is somehow like your own story, and in some way like everybody else's story too! We're all in the same boat, it seems! That's a comforting thought overall. Misery loves company and, especially, so does joy!

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