Tell Your Bo$$ 2 go 2 Hell di Master Prophet James T. Johnson edito da AuthorHouse
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Tell Your Bo$$ 2 go 2 Hell

Volume 1







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Descrizione Tell Your Bo$$ 2 go 2 Hell

In this book, Tell your Bo$$ 2 go 2 Hell, the author, Master Prophet James T. Johnson, simply expresses how he felt when he was working in corporate America and also how a lot of other people feel today about there "bo$$es." Master Prophet James T. Johnson figured out the game of working on a job in his early twenties ... what the word job means ("just over broke"), and what exactly what workers will be-broke, if they stick with their jobs. As Master Prophet James T. Johnson grew in Christ Jesus, he began to prosper in life by dropping the crisis mind-set and developing a Christ mind-set, and starting his own business. From day one he began to prosper. Destiny does not come by chance; it is a choice. Master Prophet encourages his readers to develop their Christ mind-sets and be bold! Tell Your Bo$$ 2 Go 2 Hell and start that business that you were born to have.

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