Tell Me, Teach Me, Heal Me di Douglas Caporrino edito da Lulu Publishing Services
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Tell Me, Teach Me, Heal Me

How To Get Healthy Before You Die Trying





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Descrizione Tell Me, Teach Me, Heal Me

The information in this book will change your life and those you love. Provides the knowledge necessary to make crucial medical decisions Add years to your life and quality to your years. Increase energy and vitality Obtain physical and mental performance Cut the risks of developing disease Best choices for nutrition and personal care products Learn the impact of chemical, physical, and emotional stresses to your health Lose and maintain your perfect weight Improve your sex life Quality sleep. With all of the information available today on health and nutrition, diet and exercise, who do you believe. Media, Tabloids, Doctors and people all have an opinion and sometimes reference "Studies", but what studies are they talking about? Who are "they" when people refer to the experts?

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