Technology for Pro-Poor Governance di Ashok Kumar Karna edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Technology for Pro-Poor Governance

Case Study of 'GramSat' E-Governance Programme in KBK Districts,Odisha





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This book analyses the intricacy of technology in terms of pro-poor governance. It argues that technology on its own is not capable to reduce mass poverty, and as a result in that context it has become a cosmetic use for the people of poverty ridden regions like the KBK district of Odisha. As conclusion, this book has exposed the reality that technology becoming a shape of cosmetic stuff has become an end itself rather than a means to reduce poverty in rural areas like KBK districts of Odisha. Over all, it attempts to investigate how technological advancements can strengthen the governance structure and results in positive effects on eradicating poverty, though in an indirect way. Indeed, the prime objective of this research work is to improve the technological application in governance and also to ascertain their meaningful role in transforming the lives of poor people. Providing a unique indicative perception based on an ethnographic action research with case study that is empirically grounded in field-based research, this book will be useful to researchers working on e-governance and rural development, administrators, sociologists in governance and development mechanism.

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