Technological gap and constraints in sugarcane production di Surendar Kumar, Saurabh Sharma edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Technological gap and constraints in sugarcane production

A special reference to western Uttar Pradesh





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Descrizione Technological gap and constraints in sugarcane production

Book is based on basic research carried out to find out the technological gap in adoption of sugarcane production technology and constraint facing by farmers to applying these technologies in real field conditions. Some suggestions are also made to make profitable sugarcane cultivation as finding of the study. This book is highly useful to agriculture professional, researcher, scholars, academicians, policy makers, input dealers and development practitioners to aware about problem and their remedies of sugarcane growers. The component wise technological gap and extent of adoption was the main focusing areas. All the important technological component as high yielding varieties, seed rate and treatment, time of sowing, method of sowing, irrigation, fertilizer application, weed control and plant protection measures were selected to this purpose. The effects of socio-personal and techno-eco variables on technological gap were also identified and quantified on level of significance on one degree of freedom and level of significance on five degree of freedom. The sampling procedure of the respondents was simple and having a wide range with covering two districts of main sugarcane

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