Technical Asset Management For Railway Transport di Igor Borisovich Shubinsky, Alexei Mikhailovitch Zamyshlaev edito da Springer Nature Switzerland AG
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Technical Asset Management For Railway Transport

Using The URRAN Approach





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This book introduces readers to the key provisions of the URRAN-based technical asset management system - a methodology for managing resources and risks by analyzing and ensuring the required levels of reliability and safety in Russiäs railway transport facilities. It describes the architecture of the URRAN information system¿s unified corporate platform (UCP URRAN) and its subsystems for infrastructure facilities and rolling stock complexes. It also highlights the UCP URRAN¿s prospects for development, especially in the application of artificial intelligence to predict dangerous events in railway transport operation. The book is chiefly intended for specialists engaged in practical work on the technical maintenance of railway transport facilities. It can also be used as a reference guide for students and researchers at railway universities or professionals who are dealing with problems in technical asset management in other industries.

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