Teaching Reading to English Language Learners: Differentiated Literacies [With Myeducationlab] di Socorro G. Herrera, Della R. Perez, Kathy Escamilla edito da Allyn & Bacon

Teaching Reading to English Language Learners: Differentiated Literacies [With Myeducationlab]





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Finally! A new and different guide to creating successful literacy programs for English language learners! "Teaching Reading to English Language Learners: Differentiated Literacies" is a unique text that stresses "meaning" and "relevance" as the basis for all instructional activities and strategies for reading and writing instruction to be effective for culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students. Respected authors Herrera, Perez and Escamilla argue that if meaning is at the center, it is not necessary to delay literacy instruction in English while students are learning to understand and speak the language. Practical and research-based, "Teaching Reading to English Language Learners: Differentiated Literacies "is organized around the major findings from the "National Reading Panel Report" and addresses a critical national need for teachers to have new and better information on addressing the literacy needs of ELLs. Eloquently, the authors tackle the need to move the field beyond the current 'one size fits all' paradigm and toward a broader view of how to create meaningful, relevant, and effective literacy programs for CLD students. Features of the book:

  • Discusses in detail how current techniques and approaches must be modified for ELLs.
  • "Strategies in Practice" features exemplify the ways teachers can convert research into practical applications for their daily instructional practice with ELL students.
  • Each chapter begins with an outline of major concepts and pedagogy from the viewpoint of 'best practice' for monolingual English students.
  • New MyEducationLab created specifically to accompany "Teaching Reading to English Language Learners: Differentiated Literacies" provides lesson video clips that illustrate content concepts and provide examples of strategies in practice.
  • "Student Samples" from multiple grade levels and language backgrounds have been included to illustrate the applications of strategies in practice.
  • "Teacher Voices" are included to highlight teacher insights associated with the accommodation of literacy instruction for ELLs.
  • Includes a brief overview of the approaches to reading instruction for alphabetic languages, and a review of the research findings from two major syntheses of research on literacy--teaching and learning.
Outstanding Endorsements for "Teaching Reading to English Language Learners": ""I think this book is superb. The concepts are appropriately balanced between language acquisition and reading development in the capacity of best practice. The Critical Considerations before the content of the chapters is excellent and develops logically. I like that focus. The classroom scenarios presented throughout the book create an authentic picture of what it is like to have an EL in your classroom." - Cheryl A. Slattery, Shippensburg University" " " ""Strategies in action and samples of student work are very positive features of this text - the kinds of features that will make the text accessible to pre- and in-service teachers Games and activities throughout are excellent. Scenarios, Key Theories and Concepts, end-of-chapter questions and other tools are very helpful." - Kimberley Kreicker, Emporia State University" To order this book WITH MyEducationLab, use either ISBN: ISBN-13: 9780137147700 ISBN-10: 0137147708 To order this book WITHOUT MyEducationLab use either ISBN: ISBN-13: 9780205492176 ISBN-10: 0205492177

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