Teaching, the Hardest Job You'll Ever Love! di Steven Sonntag edito da Rowman & Littlefield Education
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Teaching, the Hardest Job You'll Ever Love!

Helpful Ideas For Teachers In And Out Of The Classroom





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Descrizione Teaching, the Hardest Job You'll Ever Love!

Teaching Is The Hardest Job You Will Ever Love! is a realistic guide that can help the high school teacher and community. It includes ways to maintain one's health, how to balance one's personal and school life, and how to interact in a better, successful manner. In order to become successful, it is important for high school teachers to include personal fulfillment so that students will ultimately learn not only the subject matter but also how to be self-sufficient, be self-accountable, and learn with others. While students need to learn how to accept their learning and their grades, parents or guardians also need to be able to be a support system for their young adults with encouragement when needed and with praise when earned.

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