Teaching Guide To The European World 400-1450 di Barbara A Hanawalt edito da Oxford University Press Inc
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Teaching Guide To The European World 400-1450





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Descrizione Teaching Guide To The European World 400-1450

The Teaching Guide to The European World is a complete, all-in-one resource that provides teachers with the support they need to help all their students access the content of the book. It contains a collection of important instructional tools for the teacher: -A separate section on reading and literacy, with practical strategies for teaching content to students with a wide range of abilities and learning styles. -Special multimedia, cross-curricular projects, one for each chapter, designed for mixed-group use that gives students of all backgrounds and learning styles a chance to access and interact with the content. -Chapter-by-chapter three-page Lesson Plans that are filled with activities to help teachers get the most out of every chapter in the book - including two chapter activities in blackline master form, graphic organizer reproducibles, project outlines, rubrics and a chapter assessment.

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