Teaching from the Heart with Feng Shui di Kristina Hollinger edito da Balboa Press
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Teaching from the Heart with Feng Shui

Inspired Living for Teachers, Parents, and Kids


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Teaching from the Heart with Feng Shui

Teaching from the heart is showing up as your best self and leading by example. It is feeling inner peace, even when chaos abounds. Teaching from the Heart with Feng Shui is a guidebook for anyone interested in improving their environment and their life. Using a tool called the bagua map, you will learn how to improve nine areas: health, wealth, relationships, career, fame, creativity, travel, family, and knowledge. You will learn feng shui concepts that you can apply immediately! This book includes nine activities that will help you implement feng shui in your home and classroom with greater ease and clarity. The exercises are geared towards teachers, parents, students and all learners of feng shui. They are designed to help you reflect on the lessons throughout the book and start a personalized plan to get the results you want. Feng shui is a great way for anyone to feel more balanced in all areas of life. Teaching from the Heart with Feng Shui will show you how!

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