The teaching of complementary medicine in Swiss medical schools di Marie Nicolao edito da Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften AG  Co. KG
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The teaching of complementary medicine in Swiss medical schools

A survey of the current status and of expert opinions about the integration of alternative medical education into the Swiss medical curriculum





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Descrizione The teaching of complementary medicine in Swiss medical schools

The recent rapid increase in the demand for, and application of, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) across the Western world necessitates adequate medical education. The Bologna declaration has put in motion a series of reforms which will require academic efforts in Switzerland to reach a better integration of CAM into medical education. The present study aimed to (1) survey current education of CAM in the five Swiss medical schools, (2) investigate expert opinions from both conventional and CAM fields about the integration of CAM education into the medical curriculum, and (3) document Swiss medical students¿ attitude toward and knowledge of CAM and their experience of CAM education at medical school. The results of the study lead to the conclusion that CAM education should become part of the undergraduate curriculum at each Swiss medical school. Acupuncture/TCM, phytotherapy, and homeopathy are the most requested CAM disciplines to be included in the curriculum. These courses should occur during the clinical years, be in the form of seminars, faculty lectures and patient presentations and be rewarded by credits.

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