Teacher Computer Training and Classroom Integration di Elizabeth Zylstra edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Teacher Computer Training and Classroom Integration

Effectiveness of Training in the Implementation of Technology Integration in the Classroom





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Descrizione Teacher Computer Training and Classroom Integration

Studies on the relationship between the technology training of teachers and their effective use of technology in the classroom are ongoing. This book highlights how some practicing teachers implemented technology in their classrooms. The amount of computer training these teachers received and the frequency of their computer use in their respective classrooms was explored. Results showed there were significant relationships between the amount and type of computer training that teachers enrolled in a distance education program received and their skill levels with particular computer tools. Participating teachers received high levels of training and many spent hours learning basic skills and how to integrate these skills into the classroom. The study demonstrated that although it is important for teachers to receive computer skill training, it is equally important that training incorporate integration theory and practice. This analysis should be helpful for others in the field of education who are considering how best to implement technology in the classroom.

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