Tasting Kenya's Sugar Industry di Allan Odhiambo edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Tasting Kenya's Sugar Industry

An Analysis Of The Industry's Competitiveness Based On Porter's Diamond Model





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Descrizione Tasting Kenya's Sugar Industry

The sugar industry in Kenya plays a significant role in socio-economic development of the country through aspects such as job creation. Cognizant of this fact, both the government and the private sector have sought to build the sub-sector through investment over the year.The performance of the industry however continues to face a myriad challenges such as high cost of production and inefficiency that if comprehensively addressed could unlock the sub-sector's raw potential and opportunities.This book attempts to explore the strengths and weaknesses in this key industry,hoping to inform and motivate policy leaders,investors and managers to understand that strategic management of all the factors of production holds the ingredients required to make their goals come through.

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