Task-Based Instruction in Foreign Language Education edito da Georgetown University Press
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Task-Based Instruction in Foreign Language Education

Practices And Programs





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Descrizione Task-Based Instruction in Foreign Language Education

This book is a handbook of concrete, adaptable models of task-based language teaching, which seeks to use real-world activities in the classroom to teach language skills. (For example, role-playing rather than reading dialog from a textbook.) The successful examples come from college, university, adult professional, and online programs. Case studies include programs in Arabic, Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Korean, Spanish and Ukrainian, as well as web-based programs, and most can serve as generic models suitable for any foreign language. The introduction presents an extensive overview of the history and theory of task-based instruction and presents models and typologies of tasks. The book concludes with chapters on faculty development and task-based testing. This book is a companion to Content-Based Instruction in Foreign Language Education: Models and Methods, edited by Stephen B. Stryker and Betty Lou Leaver (Georgetown University Press, 1997).

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