The Tarot of the Bohemians - The Most Ancient Book in the World for the Use of Initiates di Papus edito da Obscure Press
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The Tarot of the Bohemians - The Most Ancient Book in the World for the Use of Initiates





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Descrizione The Tarot of the Bohemians - The Most Ancient Book in the World for the Use of Initiates

An in-depth study of tarot cards and tradition, The Tarot of the Bohemians is a must-read textbook for students of the subject. Written by Gérard Encausse under his occult alias, Papus, this volume gives a history of tarot and details the Marseilles pack's symbolism alongside an exploration of Jewish Kabbalah mysticism. Gérard Encausse was a French hypnotist, physician, and occultist famous for founding the modern Martinist Order. In this text, he presents basic instruction in cartomancy using the tarot deck, while claiming that the practice contains knowledge from ancient Egypt, India, and Atlantis. The contents of the volume include: - Introduction to the Study of the Tarot - The General Key to the Tarot - The Sacred Word - Esotericism of Numbers - Analogy Between the Sacred Word and Numbers - The Key to the Minor Arcana

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