Tales of a Country Obstetrician di Daniel M. Avery MD edito da iUniverse
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Tales of a Country Obstetrician

Unforgettable Stories about Practicing Medicine in Alabama







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Descrizione Tales of a Country Obstetrician

Daniel M. Avery has been fascinated with the human body ever since he was young, so it was natural that he should grow up to become a successful doctor. As a funeral director, he had his first opportunity to learn about anatomy, disease processes, and trauma. He even witnessed the medical examiner performing autopsies in the morgue. Once he became a doctor, his adventures were more interesting-although there are decisions he regrets. For instance, he would have never called the university to tow away an illegally parked recreation vehicle if he had known it belonged to the dean of the medical school. In spite of the seriousness of the medical profession, he enjoyed his share of light moments as well. When a female resident delivered a baby and got blood all over her, she asked if she could borrow a pair of underwear. "We wear different sizes, and I only have one pair," Dr. Avery replied. All physicians have at one time or another wished they had written down the highlights of their careers. Dr. Avery does so with no regrets, examining the challenges, adventures, and funny moments that have defined his life as an Alabama doctor in Tales of a Country Obstetrician.

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