Taking Care of the Caregiver: An excellent guide on how to take care of yourself while taking care of others di Christine Renee edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Taking Care of the Caregiver: An excellent guide on how to take care of yourself while taking care of others

An Excellent Guide On How To Take Care Of Yourself While Taking Care Of Others





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Descrizione Taking Care of the Caregiver: An excellent guide on how to take care of yourself while taking care of others

This book was written to support and help caregivers understand they are not alone. Each chapter offers support and practicality on how to recognize and manage anxiety, fatigue and frustration. How to seek outside resources for help when needed. Assist caregivers on the importance of taking care of themselves while caring for others. Help caregivers understand the importance of "self-care" and managing their own health and wellness. This guide will also help caregivers learn how to practice relaxation techniques and learn how to do something everyday for themselves in order to prevent burn-out which sometimes happens to primary caregivers.

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