Take Charge and Change Your Life Today! di Trevor Bolin edito da iUniverse
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Take Charge and Change Your Life Today!







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Descrizione Take Charge and Change Your Life Today!

Do you feel your life is at a crossroads or at a breaking point? What's the next step? In Take Charge and Change Your Life Today! author Trevor Bolin provides a roadmap for improving yourself and your life. Based on his own rags-to-riches story, Bolin discusses a host of techniques to help you achieve success, make better decisions, and reach your goals. He shows how success is based on attitude-you determine your life's outcome based on your thoughts and actions. Take Charge and Change Your Life Today! demonstrates how to ¿ change your attitude, starting today; ¿ start the process of short-term and long-term goal setting; ¿ ¿nd your "Y" in life; ¿ make a plan; ¿ understand the importance of gratitude; ¿ realize the role vices play in your life; ¿ be con¿dent and become a winner. You have the power to choose your path, and this guide can show you the way. Accept nothing but the best for yourself and your life.

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