Taiwan¿s Senior Learning Movement edito da Springer International Publishing
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Taiwan¿s Senior Learning Movement

Perspectives from outside in and from inside out





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Descrizione Taiwan¿s Senior Learning Movement

This volume provides an in-depth analysis of historical and recent developments of senior learning in Taiwan, where publications in English have been scant. It takes a broader view on lifelong learning and active ageing from a theoretical/conceptual base written by prominent international authors- this represents the ¿outside in¿ perspective. The ¿inside out¿ on the other hand signifies an in-depth investigation of initiatives written by authors from Taiwan who are closely involved with developments in policy and practice. The volume is situated theoretically in the intersection of complementary concepts such as lifelong learning, active ageing, later life learning, learning communities and social movements. It is located geographically and culturally in East Asia where senior learning/education is expanding in response to large populations of older adults and concerns about their physical and social well-being. It is argued that Taiwan is leading the way in terms of innovation and community engagement in regard to older adult learning/education and can thus serve as a model for neighboring countries. By analyzing historical precedents, cultural dynamics, policy trends, research sub-fields and community engagement this book is of interest to both East Asian and Western scholars, practitioners, policy-makers and students amongst the fields of lifelong learning, social gerontology and educational psychology.

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