Tafsir al-Qurtubi Vol. 4 di Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad Al-Qurtubi edito da Diwan Press
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Tafsir al-Qurtubi Vol. 4

Juz' 4: Surah Ali 'Imran 96 - Surat an-Nisa' 1 - 23


Diwan Press

Aisha Abdurrahman Bewley, Bewley




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Descrizione Tafsir al-Qurtubi Vol. 4

The tafsir of al-Qur¿ubi is perhaps one of the most compendious of them all and is certainly among the most famous. As its title, al-Jami' li A¿kam al-Qur'an - The General Judgments of the Qur'an, suggests, its main focus is on the rulings and judgments to be found in the Qur'an. However, in the course of doing that, al-Qur¿ubi examines all the relevant sciences necessary, such as the ¿adith pertaining to the ayahs, events in the sirah, what the Companions, their Followers and other noted people of knowledge said about the ayahs, essential aspects of Arabic etymology, syntax and usage, copiously illustrated by examples, and much more.In this volume the author treats the ¿ajj, the People of the Book and relations with them, there is a major exposition of matters surrounding the Battle of U¿ud, with the interpolation of an ayah in prohibition of usury, wrong action and forgiveness, the death of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the immense ayahs on dhikr of Allah in every circumstance and reflection on the creation of the heavens and the earth, and then in Surat an-Nisa' many matters to do with the rights of women, and the laws of inheritance.

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