Taffinder and Julia Dunn Pulleine di Imogene H. Pulleine edito da iUniverse
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Taffinder and Julia Dunn Pulleine

The Pulleine Family: From Yorkshire, England, to America







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Descrizione Taffinder and Julia Dunn Pulleine

Taffinder Pulleine and Julia Dunn were married in Yorkshire, England, in 1870, and move to America two years later. They are not the typical immigrants: Julia was privileged and had had a maid her entire life, and Taffinder had just inherited a sizeable amount of money. Craving some excitement, however, they struck out for a faraway land they had heard so much about. After ending up in Kansas, the couple began a life of farming, weathering tornadoes, and dodging hungry sieges of grasshoppers. Their son, Percy Pulleine, would later document their trials and adventures. Imogene H. Pulleine, a descendant of Taffinder and Julia, compiled this family history for friends, family, and anyone interested in learning about some of the adventurers who built America. She includes correspondence, photos, and stories that trace her family's heritage. Take a journey through early America when neighbors were neighbors, people valued hard work, and families stuck together. It begins with Taffinder and Julia Dunne Pulleine, who took a chance and left a treasured legacy.

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