Synonyms of the New Testament di Richard C. Trench edito da Cosimo Classics
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Synonyms of the New Testament





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Developed as a series of lectures delivered at King's College, Ireland, this 1880 work by a professor of theology studies the synonyms in the New Testament as written in Greek in order to discern possibilities of meaning that less subtle languages-such as English-cannot manage to impart. The author believed that one of the most valuable things a teacher could pass along to his students is a deep interest and reverence for grammar and language, and so this valuable exercise delves into the sometimes vague and sometimes specific meanings of Biblical words that men have come to for guidance in their lives. Meant for serious students and scholars, this book requires a working knowledge of Greek, and will greatly reward those readers of ancient languages, Irish philologist and Anglican archbishop RICHARD CHENEVIX TRENCH (1807-1886) is best remembered for his work The Study of Words. Through his writing, he aimed to show how words, even single words, contained within them a complete story, a history that even had moral implications. His other published works include English Past and Present (1855) and A Select Glossary of English Words (1859).

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