Swami Vivekananda's History of Universal Religion and its Potential for Global  Reconciliation di Sister Gayatriprana edito da Lulu.com
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Swami Vivekananda's History of Universal Religion and its Potential for Global Reconciliation







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Descrizione Swami Vivekananda's History of Universal Religion and its Potential for Global Reconciliation

In the words of Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) this book is a history of Vedanta, a deeply subjective Indian spiritual tradition going back to prehistoric times. There God is experienced and known directly in the depths of the human soul. We learn of the social structures, philosophical schools and practices of self-transformation at its heart and how the tradition withstood a millennium of subjugation to Western Abrahamic religions with their extra-cosmic deity and deep distrust of Vedantic subjectivity. Vivekananda speaks from the level of vijnana that permits of integration of both Indian subjectivity and Western objectivism, opening a door to their conciliation with each other and indeed to any other of the global spiritual traditions. An artist, medical doctor and Vedantic nun, Gayatriprana seeks to integrate Western science and Vedanta, as in her doctoral thesis: Learning in Depth: A Case Study in Twin 5x5 Matrices of Consciousness: https://jeanmacphail.academia.edu

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