Sustaining the Planet di Ruby Jindal edito da LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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Sustaining the Planet

Strategies for a Greener Tomorrow





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Descrizione Sustaining the Planet

"Sustaining the Planet: Strategies for a Greener Tomorrow" offers a comprehensive and insightful exploration of environmental sustainability. Delving into the historical roots of human interaction with the environment, the book traces key milestones in environmental awareness and emphasizes the interconnectedness of ecological systems. It extensively covers green technologies, addressing challenges and emerging trends in renewable energy, energy-efficient building design, and sustainable materials. The book navigates through critical environmental issues, from resource consumption and pollution to climate change, highlighting the significance of indigenous wisdom and education in fostering sustainable practices. Readers are provided with practical steps and solutions to adopt greener lifestyles, making the book a valuable guide for individuals and communities committed to shaping a more resilient and environmentally conscious future.

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