Sustainable Land Resources Management di Sanatan Ghosh edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Sustainable Land Resources Management

An Integrated G.I.S Approach





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Descrizione Sustainable Land Resources Management

Land resources study has emerged as a significant branch of an applied science as land focuses on dynamic relationship between abiotic and biotic components of the earth surface. About 95% people of the World depend on land resources for their basic needs. Rural economy in India are predominantly agricultural based. The rapidly growing population and the aspiration of human being to have a better living condition have increased the pressure on land. Therefore, land is important resource today and also the source of conflict. The plateau fringe areas of West Bengal has diversified geological formation, landforms, soil characteristics and forest coverage that affect trends of humans and human environment. Land is the mosaic of different land elements which are marked by changes over periods of geographical time. These land elements are integrated through GIS and quantitative analysis to develop sustainable land management units. The main goal of land management is sustainability i.e. production plus conservation,mitigation and regulation of unsustainable practices on land. The book should be read by geographers,environmental scientists, administrators,researchers and others.

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