I Survived Workplace Bullying Three Times di Nancy S. Stjepanovic edito da Balboa Press
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I Survived Workplace Bullying Three Times

And Lived to Tell My Story


Balboa Press





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Descrizione I Survived Workplace Bullying Three Times

We are not victims of our circumstances and bullying does not have to be a negative experience With this inspiring book, Nancy S. Stjepanovic shares her experience of being bullied at work and guides us through the healing process that transformed her life. We learn that healing is possible and bullying does not have to be a negative experience. Through her healing journey, Nancy explored the fundamentals of bullying. Why it happens. Why people bully and how to heal from it. She discovered that external conflict is a reflection of internal conflict. And the only way to heal is to go within. Emotional healing is a process of exploring our belief system and releasing emotional blocks. It is not necessary to relive the bullying experience. It is not necessary to go into the trauma but to become a neutral observer of what needs to be transformed. To help with our transformation, we are invited to follow the three-step process in this book that takes us on a self-discovery journey filled with compassion for self and others. ...the universe knows what we need, which may not align with what we want, but we just have to trust it...

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