Survive the Recession di Idowu Kotila edito da iUniverse
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Survive the Recession

Spiritual and Practical Tips to Find a Better Financial Future







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Descrizione Survive the Recession

The recession has led many to feel hopeless, but practical and spiritual solutions are within reach for those who truly want to find a more rewarding life. By applying spiritual and practical principles, Idowu Kotila brings consolation to those who are confused and suffering. These solutions may start with God, but they end with the actions that people take. Instead of relying on big government to solve your problems, it's essential to plan for and react to a crisis. This book helps you ¿ judiciously use your income; ¿ avoid wasteful spending; ¿ appropriately manage credit; ¿ take care of your family. Packed with powerful biblical verses, this book helps you move closer to God and transform your state of thinking and how you relate to others. When you make God a priority in your life, abundance is virtually guaranteed. The recession is an opportunity to act. Take the necessary steps to get your spiritual and financial house in order, and reap the rewards as you Survive the Recession.

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