Survivalist to Thrivalist: One Woman's Journey di Deborah Kinisky edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Survivalist to Thrivalist: One Woman's Journey





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Descrizione Survivalist to Thrivalist: One Woman's Journey

Deborah Kinisky is thriving. When you read her story, you may at times wonder how. Deborah's "Purple Sky" analogy which is presented in the first book "Purple Sky Survivalist " is interesting and thought provoking. It also lays a good groundwork for the story ahead. Deborah candidly shares her life with a matter-of-factness that takes you off guard. There are events that are at times disturbing and presented just as a day like any other, demonstrating how normalizing atrocious behavior can lead children to grow up with a distorted view of the world. There are moments of humor that will make you laugh out loud. You will question your own view of normal. It's in these moments of questioning and self-analysis that you'll find the truths of your life, as well as the falsehoods. Only by sorting the truth from the lies you can find your own blue skies. "Survivalist to Thrivalist - One Woman's Journey" shows you how Deborah finds her blue skies and became a thrivalist. Her stories will help lead you to your own truths, and help you to thrive. The journey to blue skies is possible for us all and as Deborah shows us, it's worth the trip. Debra Burns BA BEd Woman, Daughter, Mother.

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