The Survival of the Fittest: Violent Women in "God of Small Things" di Muhammad Nawaz edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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The Survival of the Fittest: Violent Women in "God of Small Things"

Violent Women In "god Of Small Things"





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Descrizione The Survival of the Fittest: Violent Women in "God of Small Things"

The issue of violence has been a prominent theme in literature. The world we live in today is replete with conflicts that consequently generate aggression and violence. Thus violence finds its way in almost all genres of literature. This research intends to study the acts of violence in Arundhati Roy's debut novel The God of Small Things with special reference to the female characters. As a social and political activist, Roy has her own perception of violence that is reflected through her female characters especially through her chief protagonist Ammu, a divorced woman, who violates the social norms by having a secret love affair with an untouchable labourer.

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