Survival and Beyond di Ethan S. Sharvit edito da iUniverse
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Survival and Beyond

A Man's Guide to Divorce







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Descrizione Survival and Beyond

THE MUST READ SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR ANY MAN EXPERIENCING DIVORCE! This inspiring book is for all men who are thinking about or going through the stressful and painful divorce process. Based on his personal experience and interviews with scores of men, Ethan S. Sharvit offers a step by step guide on how to prepare for your divorce and negotiate a settlement that you can live with. Divorce has the power to bring any man to his knees no matter how strong he may be; Sharvit shows you how to survive the process in tact and inspires you to enjoy life once again. The realities of the divorce process and the cruelties of the court system that you may now be entering. Practical steps that you can take right now to help you during the divorce. How to choose a lawyer that's right for you. A taste of the issues, including division of property, custody, alimony, and much more. Understanding what you really want, including tips on how to formulate your own "term worksheet." Getting through the tough times. Beyond survival-learning to enjoy life once again.

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