Supply Chain Engineering di Alexandre Dolgui, Jean-Marie Proth edito da Springer London
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Supply Chain Engineering

Useful Methods And Techniques





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Descrizione Supply Chain Engineering

Supply Chain Engineering considers how modern production and operations management techniques can respond to the pressures of the competitive global marketplace. It presents a comprehensive analysis of concepts and models related to outsourcing, dynamic pricing, inventory management, RFID, and flexible and re-configurable manufacturing systems, as well as real-time assignment and scheduling processes. A significant part is also devoted to lean manufacturing, line balancing, facility layout and warehousing techniques. Explanations are based on examples and detailed algorithms while discarding complex and unnecessary theoretical minutiae. All examples have been carefully selected from an industrial application angle. This book is written for students and professors in industrial and systems engineering, management science, operations management and business. It is also an informative reference for managers looking to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their production systems.

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