Supermarket Vegan: 225 Meat-Free, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes for Real Peoplein the Real World di Donna Klein edito da PERIGEE BOOKS
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Supermarket Vegan: 225 Meat-Free, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes for Real Peoplein the Real World

225 Meat-Free, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes for Real People in the Real World: A Cookbook





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Descrizione Supermarket Vegan: 225 Meat-Free, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes for Real Peoplein the Real World

An all-new collection of delicious, simple vegan dishes using easy-to-find, readily available ingredients. Going vegan does not need to mean shopping at specialty food stores for unpronounceable ingredients with hefty price tags. In Supermarket Vegan, author and chef Donna Klein shares more than 225 recipes for original, healthful dishes free of meat, eggs, and dairy, all made from ingredients you can get with just a quick trip to your local grocery store.Using fresh, canned, or boxed goods, Klein provides readers with recipes that are convenient, quick-to-prepare, and bursting with variety, color, and flavor. With dishes like Guacamole-Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes, Easy Lentil Soup, Grilled Portobello Mushroom and Vegetable Fajitas, Sesame-Peanut Fettucine, and Blueberry Peach Cobbler, you'll never run out of ideas - or miss the meat.With a useful glossary of ingredients, complete nutritional analysis for every recipe, and cooking and serving tips, variations, and substitutions, Supermarket Vegan will give you everything you need to make delicious plant-based meals.

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