The Super3 di Robert E. Berkowitz, Michael B. Eisenberg, Laura Eisenberg Robinson edito da ABC-CLIO
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The Super3

Information Skills For Young Learners







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Descrizione The Super3

Use The Super3, a spin off from the widely used Big6, to help students in grades PreK-2 develop crucial problem-solving skills. Ready-to-use worksheets include explanations for daily implementation of the Super3 into the classroom. Use The Super3, a spin off from the widely used Big6, to help students in grades PreK-2 develop crucial problem-solving skills. Learn how to break down the problem-solving process so that younger students get it and remember it. Discover a process model for children to learn and use in order to be successful with the various tasks they undertake. The Super3 helps younger students recognize what they are doing so they can label and talk about their research. Provides an easy transition into the Big6. Ready-to-use worksheets include explanations for daily implementation of the Super3 into the classroom. Mike Eisenberg and Laura Eisenberg Robinson have adapted the widely used Big6 research approach for students in grades PreK-2. The Super3 uses the three simple steps: Plan, Do, Review.

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