In the Sun di Joshua Patrick edito da iUniverse
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In the Sun

Part 1







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Descrizione In the Sun

As the new millennium approaches, the world is getting ready to celebrate-unaware that a Russian terrorist cell is preparing to carry out a plan that will change their lives in an instant. It is November of 1999, and all seventeen-year-old Josh Saunders wants to do is escape his Podunk town of Elnor, Texas. But everything is about to change when Josh learns the US president and vice president are dead. A nuclear missile has just struck Washington, DC, and Russian President Vladimir Pemarov has declared war on America. Suddenly what was once a boring little town erupts into chaos. Now Josh and his friend Yuko must not only save their own lives, but also the life of Akbashev Chekenov, a deserting Russian soldier hunted by both American soldiers and his own military unit. As two worlds and cultures collide in a brutal battle, Josh, Yuko, and Akbashev are about to realize there is much more to war than honor and glory. In this modern military thriller, three young adults are propelled into an unthinkable war and soon discover that there is a thin line that separates enemies from friends.

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