The Stuff of Life di Asif Zaidi edito da iUniverse
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The Stuff of Life







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Descrizione The Stuff of Life

Although Asif Zaidi is a banker and a business leadership advisor by profession, he is fundamentally a thinker of broad understanding and interests. In The Stuff of Life, he offers an anthology of thoughts on diverse subjects, attempting to see the problems of life in the light of human reasoning. Asif Zaidi is endlessly curious, and leaves no big question untouched. While turning his gaze from one intellectual pursuit to the next, in this collection of essays he addresses nature, evolution, religion, literature, psychology, and scientists, sages, prophets, philosophers, thinkers, and poets who have, down the ages, contributed to human development, making life meaningful. From the personal to the societal to the universal, he turns his spirit of inquiry to a wide swathe of topics: the love of learning: man's search for meaning: faith, tradition, and rationality: and the moral dimension of existence. Simple and direct, The Stuff of Life articulates a viewpoint grounded in a rational approach to life and this world.

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