A Study on PDS in India: Problems and Issues di Keshab Sethi edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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A Study on PDS in India: Problems and Issues

The experience of Public Distribution System in various states





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From time immemorial, one of the very few things that never changed in the evolution process is, ¿hunger¿. It was this hunger that made despots, created chaos, thrown down the governments and it is the same hunger of millions of individuals that is behind today¿s restless world. However, the degree and intensity of hunger is changing from time to time.Modern world, dominated and frustrated by neo-liberal economic policies left many economies in virtual shambles, affecting the financial and real sectors of developing and underdeveloped world. The recent global financial crisis and the European Debt Crisis further intensified the suffering not only in the Third world but also the industrialized western nations. Rising unemployment, falling output, erosion of real wages, soaring inflation, bleak growth prospectus have become the common features of the world economy today. The most affected are the poor, the disadvantaged and the marginalized sections of the society. Climate change in the form of global warming and the rising food prices due to droughts and switching over from food grain production towards bio fuel are still worsening their plight.

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