Study on Impact of Contractual Dairy Farming di Md. Shafiqul Islam edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Study on Impact of Contractual Dairy Farming

A Case of Kazi Shahid Foundation, Panchagarh, Bangladesh





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This book will give you clear idea on innovative project on contractual dairy farming and effective livelihood approaches for poverty alleviation of the remote rural poor communities. Contractual dairy farming can be the solution of poverty and the sources of daily bread for the helpless poor in the northwest region of Bangladesh. The book will reflect the status of livelihoods indicating economic impact, social and to some extent of environment. The system of contractual dairy farming enhance the capabilities of managing small scale farming in effective manner. This also helpful in creating self employment with potential linkage through forward and backward linkage. Green fodder can increase milk production, health of the cattle population. The book will also emphasize on breed selection, improved management practices and intensive management of improved breeds and feeds for the population. The value chain of milk may increase income almost two times for the contract growers. The reimbursement process looks like very innovative avoiding any monetary transaction. Repayment has been done through selling of milk and cow dung in regular basis.

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