Study on Fish Feed Formulation & Production in Mymensingh, Bangladesh di Anisul Islam Mahmud, Wahid Ibn Nazrul edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Study on Fish Feed Formulation & Production in Mymensingh, Bangladesh





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A study was undertaken to know about the fish feed formulation, production, quality control and to investigate the nutrient contents of fish feeds in Shushama Feed Limited. The formulation of feed was done with indigenous ingredients and ingredients imported from different countries. The feed formulation was accomplished through Trial and Error method and Pearson¿s Square method. During formulation raw ingredients were selected according to the nutrient availability of the feedstuffs to obtain desired nutrient composition in finished feeds. The feed production was accomplished through feed milling process which involved several steps. The quality control program which involved the verification of quality standards, close monitoring of the quality of ingredients through the period of storage prior to usage and during its processing.Proximate composition such as moisture, crude protein, crude lipid, ash, fibre and NFE (nitrogen free extract) of finished feeds were evaluated.

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