Studies on isolation,extraction and Application of L Y C O P E N E di Sanjay K. Metkar edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Studies on isolation,extraction and Application of L Y C O P E N E





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Descrizione Studies on isolation,extraction and Application of L Y C O P E N E

In biological systems incomplete reduction of O2 during respiration produces superoxide anion (O2-), which is spontaneously or enzymatically dismutated by superoxide dismutase to H2O2. Overproduction of free radicals can damage cellular components resulting in progressive physiological dysfunction, which has been implicated in many human diseases.Oxidative modification to RNA results in disturbance of the translational process and impairment of protein synthesis, which can cause cell deterioration or even cell death.The most prevalent oxidized base in RNA is 8- hydroxyguanosine (8-OHG). Guanosine (a RNA nucleoside) can be oxidized by highly reactive hydroxyl radicals to form a C8-OH adduct radical, which then loses an electron (e -) and a proton (H+) to form 8-OHG (an oxidized RNA nucleoside). So this study suggest that Lycopene can be employed to protect RNA from oxidative insult.

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