Studies in Mysticism and Certain Aspects of the Secret Tradition di Arthur Edward Waite edito da Kessinger Publishing
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Studies in Mysticism and Certain Aspects of the Secret Tradition





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Descrizione Studies in Mysticism and Certain Aspects of the Secret Tradition

1906. Partial Contents: Life of the mystic; Enterprise of sanctity; Sense of the infinite; Supernatural goodness; Question of service; Asceticism and mysticism; Foundation of the higher magia; Lesser mysteries of the life of life; By-ways of half a century; Mesmerism and hypnotism; Saviors of Louis XVII; Paradise of Hermes; Some offices of vain observance; Dwellers on the threshold; Who stand at the door and knock; A Masque of anarchy; Powers of the deep; Garden of Venus; Gate and the sanctuary; Voice of the beloved; Stewards of the mysteries; the Building Word; Rumors of the mystic quest; Veil of the Sanctum Sanctorum.

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