Students Beware di Lorraine Koster edito da iUniverse
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Students Beware

Life Does Not Begin at 21: A Federal Government Pre-Employment Background Investigation Guidebook







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Descrizione Students Beware

It should not come as a surprise, but to many young people it does: What you do during high school and college can have a significant impact on career opportunities. Some students think that as long as they get good grades, everything will turn out just fine. But many talented people have failed to get the federal job they want because of an unlawful act they committed during a moment of indiscretion. In this groundbreaking guidebook, Lorraine Koster, a licensed private investigator with more than 20 years of experience, shares her insights into why and how federal government pre-employment background investigations are conducted and how to master the application process. Learn what information is available to investigators, how to find career opportunities, the best ways to navigate the application process and much more. Acting responsibly at an early age is important for anyone wanting to succeed later in life. Take the first step into landing that dream job in Students Beware: Life Does Not Begin at 21.

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