Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcomes in E-Learning edito da Information Science Reference
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Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcomes in E-Learning

An Introduction to Empirical Research





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Descrizione Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcomes in E-Learning

With e-learning expanding globally beyond higher education to K-12 educational settings, the demand for online learning will only increase in the future. Despite this, empirical studies on its effectiveness lag far behind its implementation. Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcomes in E-Learning: An Introduction to Empirical Research will help introduce instructors, researchers, practicing managers, and graduate students in the e-learning community do research on effective e-learning practices. This book provides insights from previous research on effective instructional practices for new instructors entering the e-learning realm. Even experienced educators will examine and conduct their work more thoroughly as they engage with research on online teaching and learning-and begin to contribute to it themselves.

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