Student Body di Zachary Michael Jack edito da iUniverse
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Student Body

A Benefit Mystery Novella







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Descrizione Student Body

Sometime love interests, confidants, and intellectual sparring partners, Professor of Leisure Studies Jay Golding and Professor of Anthropology Betsy McPherson have their secure, tenured worlds turned upside down by a visiting professor and an unlikely murder on the pastoral grounds of the thoroughly Scottish, utterly midwestern Forestland College. Thrust into the role of gumshoes in the weeks before graduation, Golding and McPherson race against Assistant Sheriff's Deputy Doreen Simon and Texas private investigator T. W. Polk to crack the case as murders mount and year-end ceremonies loom. The wonderfully twisted mystery that ensues pits professor against professor and student against student, exposing the wooded Forestland campus to the harsh light of the violent world around it. Editor Zachary Michael Jack joins Agatha Award-nominated mystery writers Shirley Damsgaard and Denise Swanson with a host of North Central College notables including Jane Barnes, Rene? Smith Besel, Judith Brodhead, Thomas Cavenagh, Julia Cianci, Jean Clifton, Kendra Hunter, Gary Ireland, Ann Keating, Herb Nadelhoffer, Francine Navakas, Jim Owczarski, Richard Paine, Jonathan Pickering, Jana Tropper, and Ryan Williams in Student Body, a mayhem-filled, charity-designated collaborative mystery for all who ever whistled past the hallowed, haunted grounds of campus.

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